Saturday, April 14, 2012

Zombie Apocalypse?

What is with all this hype about emergency preparedness and the "zombie apocalypse"? With new TV shows of extreme doomsday "preppers", commercials mentioning the Mayan calendar ending this year, and CNN even airing a story about the zombie apocalypse earlier today, it makes me wonder about this new mindset in our everyday reality today (no longer relegated to sci-fi fanatics and "Resident Evil" gamers). Why has the media become so fixated on dishing this kind of stuff out?

So...supposedly...we are going to lose control at the end of the world...soon to come due to various possible calamities, and as a result, people will kill each other for simple things like food, water, shelter, etc.? And, there will be no more gas for cars? The magnetic polarities of our North pole and South pole will shift unexpectedly? And, life as we know it will no longer be...

Well...getting a few supplies can't hurt (because hurricanes, unexpected power outages happen at times), but isn't it all a delusion to think that any further preparation outside a couple bottled water packs and snack bars would help, if indeed such an END is near? Even with serious military training, extremely large quantities of supplies, bountiful artillery, a squadron of highly trained soldiers to guard post and populate your fully portable "tribe", a portable underground, self-contained living compound with electromagnetic dampeners and impenetrable material so others can't detect your presence or break in, and with a lot of luck, the chances of survival are still close to null.  Never mind the fact that mental illness and eventual cannibalism will most likely wreak havoc on the survivors to the point of tribe extermination.

I refuse to get carried away in this tide of paranoia.  I choose to live my days, to the fullest possible, now...and hope with all my heart that such a horrible day does not come.  That's all I can do and that's the last time I am thinking about this.  :)

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Another YOU may be out there

While holding your morning coffee today, consider there being another Earth... just within reach (next to our moon), parallel and in synch with our planet Earth – with another YOU there. This was the main premise of the film Another Earth, directed by Mike Cahill.  I am not a film guru, but this movie left my head spinning and somewhat unsettled (especially at the end scene). IMDb and other resources I quickly scanned before watching this film did not warn me sufficiently on how disturbing the love story is. If you like Sci Fi movies with a strange love story twist, check this film out.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Time travel is possible - or is it?

Within a nanosecond, I am 10 years OLDER!

Today, I feel tremendously OLD after a humbling, personal, Biggest Loser episode at my parent's home last night (sorry, before you even ask, my actual age is a lady's secret).  Last night, it was like an episode of The Biggest Loser where the one (me) ends up getting kicked off after not losing weight - but instead of a big TV set, I was standing in the private setting of my parent's living room with mother, father and brother all eagerly awaiting Omron to reveal my statistics.  

How does the Omron body monitor scale work? I entered my age, height, then, stepped onto the Omron full body composition sensor & monitor with hands poised carefully on the handle bar attached to the scale. The scale started its magic calculations. With my family by my side, I could hear the beep beep beep like on the TV show (in my head- there is no audible sound on this scale) as the numbers started to pop up... and the rest you just have to try out on your own...

So, what happened as a result of this evaluation so far? Today, I accomplished 2 hours of walking/jogging, 30 minutes of mid-level cycling in hopes to reverse the progress of time. Let’s just say, the fitness bug got me with this humbling moment in mind, and 2012 is going to be a year for fitness mania.  Move aside Dr. Emmett Brown, I’ve discovered my own DeLorean and next time I ride that Omron, it is going to bring me back in time!

I am committing to good health and fitness for 2012.  Hope anyone reading this joins me on this path. With my Yamamotoyama jasmine tea in hand I offer this toast for the new year.

Saturday, January 7, 2012

What a beautiful day!

So today will be a very short post because I think it would be a waste of a sunny day to sit too long indoors with a coffee (anywhere indoors, for that matter).  Today's morning coffee blog is about the unpredictable weather.  I always dreamt of moving to California or Hawaii (when I get old) but it seems this may not be necessary at all.  This morning, it is 48 degree (Fahrenheit) already with warm sun and barely any wind.  Could this be global warming? Or, could this be a sign of an impending Superchron? Earth's magnetic field has been erratic with an increased number of volcano eruptions. Hmm...Well, let's leave the abstract climactic hypotheses to scientists and go out there and take on the day – outside. :)

Friday, January 6, 2012

Coming Soon

Welcome! Welcome to Eve's Internet Cafe! Come by and visit anytime. This site was created to promote conversation around technology, social media, interesting news finds and our ever-changing world.  Sit down, relax, hold your hot/cold/coffee/tea concoction and let's revel and reflect on the world. 

What is Eve's Internet Cafe?
You may ask, why the blog name? Well, the cafe is what I (Eve) always dreamt of having in a physical space. However, with the advent of smart phones and multiple mobile technologies, and growing cyber restrictions, the standard internet cafe is a bygone entity (already) and will most likely dwindle to few and far between. So, I decided to open my cafe online. With the postings and your input as nourishment, my hope is that this site will grow organically.